LWA and Planning consultation

You can review planning applications and comment on new development proposals online via the Council website: https://planning.royalgreenwich.gov.uk/online-applications/

The LWA are also consulted by Planners, most recently on basements, and had input in producing the Council’s guidance SPD on residential extensions, basements and conversions: https://www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk/downloads/download/796/residential_extensions_basements_and_conversions which you may find helpful to read if you are thinking of making an application of this nature. Anyone contemplating a Development or a Planning Application is also encouraged to consult neighbours informally at an early stage. LWA is also always happy to hear of proposals prior to application.

When the Association was founded in 1960 its objectives were:

  • “…to preserve and improve the amenities of Langton Way (including its approaches…and adjacent areas) in its character as a private street of rural features (and) to oppose the changing of its character…” .

These objectives were developed in more detail in:

In 2014 the Council adopted a new “Local Plan: Core Policy” to replace earlier ones. The Brief is no longer regarded as policy by Royal Greenwich, although some of its elements have been incorporated in their guidance .

In deciding whether to comment or object, the LWA tends to refer back to its founding objectives.


158 Langton Way (Application no. 24/1206/HD) Installation of a rear dormer loft conversion with 2 roof lights to front roof slope. Enlargement of ground floor side extension and changes to ground floor rear fenestration (Consultation period ends 15 May 2024)

107 Langton Way (Application 24/0692/TC) Replace silver birch on Langton Way with sorbus. Replace Acer negundo in rear garden with new smaller acer to make space for a new garden studio. Approved May 2024

8 Vanbrugh Terrace (Application No. 24/0321/TC) Oak – remove deadwood. Quercus Ilex – reduce and thin by 10%. 8 x limes on Angerstein Lane – reduce by approx 2m back to last reduction points in 2022. Approved March 2024

97 Langton Way (Application No. 24/0108/CP) Following the rejection of application no. 23/3491/HD below) a Certificate of Lawfulness is sought for the staining (white) of brickwork and painting of render (also white). Approved March 2024

124 Langton Way (Application No. 24/0034/TC) Reduce crowns of two large lime trees. Approved February 2024


96 Langton Way (Application No. 23/3923/TC) Cut back all trees and mixed vegetation in the garden of 63 Shooters Hill Road that is overhanging rear garden of 96 Langton Way back to boundary. Approved January 2024

17 Langton Way (Application No. 23/3727/HD, following rejection of application no. 23/2980/HD below) Removal of the existing barrel-vaulted conservatory structure and mezzanine roof and replacement with a new linkway structure and a new consistent barrel-vaulted roof. Replacement of all windows, doors and roof lights and associated external works. Approved January 2024

4 Belvedere Mews (Application No. 23/3620/NM) Non-material amendment in connection to Application No. 23/1284/HD (approved July 2023 -see below) to amend the approved design including rooflights, parapet wall and bifold doors (Approved December 2023)

97 Langton Way (Application No. 23/3491/HD) Alterations to the exterior of the property, including: staining of brickwork and painting of render (both white); painting of fascia boards, window frames and flashing (black); replacement roof to existing porch; removal of decorative copper roof grill, along with the re-surfacing and extension of front yard area, including addition of flower beds and associated works. Refused December 2023

5 Belvedere Mews (Application No. 23/3052/NM) Non-material amendments in connection to Application No. 23/1276/HD (approved June 2023 -see below) i.e. (1) alteration from 2 rooflights to one rooflight (2) change bi-folding door frame from white Upvc to black aluminium (3) introduction of a minor overhanging fascia and soffit to create a concealed gutter and (4) clarification re parapet height to the boundary with No. 6. Approved December 2023

128 Langton Way (Application No. 23/3185/TC) Reduction in crown of silver birch in back garden. Approved November 2023

Flat 1, 89 Shooters Hill Road (Application No. 23/1794/F) Replacement of existing single glazed widows at the property with new double glazed uPVC windows, installation of replacement doors and associated works and alterations. Withdrawn November 2023

98 Langton Way (Application No. 23/3027/TC) Removal of 9 Leylandii in rear garden, to be replaced with other trees, Approved October 2023

98 Langton Way (Application No. 23/2932/TC) Removal of 5 Leylandii in rear garden, with 2 being replaced with another tree. Approved Oct 2023

17 Langton Way (Application No. 23/2980/HD) Removal of the existing barrel-vaulted conservatory and replacement with a new flat-roofed structure. Refused November 2023

67c Shooters Hill Road (Application No. 23/2363/F) Demolition of existing rear garage and construction of a two storey two-bed dwellinghouse. The main differences to Application No. 20/0924/F Land Rear of 67C Shooters Hill Road (approved Oct 2020) are that (1) the proposed dwelling will measure 0.4m taller (2) the front ground floor window will be a slender vertical window rather than a horizontal window (3) there will be a first-floor rear window which was not previously proposed(4) the finish will be brickwork rather than Thermowood cladding (baked pine) finish. Approved October 2023 (with a condition that, for ease of access, cycle parking should be relocated from the rear to the front of the proposed house, or a gate provided from the rear garden into Vicarage Avenue)

Flat B, 69 Shooters Hill Road (Application No. 23/1592/F) Replacement of one front and two rear windows with double-glazed wooden windows. Approved August 2023

59 Langton Way (Application No. 23/2171/TC) Reduction of seven trees in garden. Approved July 2023

8 Belvedere Mews (Application No. 23/2353/TC) Felling of a portuguese laurel and reduction of three others. Approved August 2023

65 Langton Way (Application No. 23/2399/TC) Felling of a holly and reduction of six other trees in garden. Approved Augiust 2023

74 Langton Way (Application No. 23/1838/HD) |To install replacement windows and doors of similar size and appearance to the rear and side of property. Withdrawn August 2023

13 Shooters Hill Road (Application No. 23/1888/TC) Reduce one lime tree in front garden and four along Angerstein Lane. Remove a holly tree and two laurel stumps in garden and replace with a magnolia and an acer. Approved July 2023

1 Vicarage Avenue (Application No. 23/1947/TC) Reduce beech tree. Approved July 2023

150 Langton Way (Application No. 23/2122/TC) Reduce a yellow ash, a blue whitebeam and a red walnut tree. Approved July 2023

5 Belvedere Mews (Application No: 23/1276/HD | Demolition of existing conservatory; and construction of a single storey rear extension. Approved June 2023

4 Belvedere Mews (Application No: 23/1284/HD) Demolition of an existing conservatory and construction of a single storey rear extension. Approved July 2023

37 Shooters Hill Road (Pointers School – Marnic House site) (Application 23/0997/L) Internal alterations and refurbishment works to parts of ground and first floor. Approved May 2023

10 Belvedere Mews (Application 23/1088/TC) Thin crown on Birch Tree in rear garden. Approved April 2023

139 Langton Way (Application No. 23/0635/HD) Construction of a single storey outbuilding in the rear garden. Approved November 2023.

33 Langton Way (Application 22/3620/HD) Demolition of existing conservatory and construction of a single storey rear extension. Approved June 2023.

21 Stratheden Road (Application 23/0398/TC) Reduction in height of 3 Sycamore trees at rear of property backing onto Langton Way. Approved March 2023.

29 Langton Way (Application 23/0172/TC) Reduction in height of plane tree at front of property. Approved February 2023.

146 Langton Way (Application 23/0108/HD) Proposed internal first floor alteration to create additional bedroom & installation of a new window to the rear elevation. Approved March 2023.

82 Langton Way (Application 23/0049/TC) Reduce horse chestnut at front of property. Approved February 2023.


105 Langton Way (Application 22/4034/HD) Retrospective application for the construction of a rear garden structure for storage, cycle store and a gymnasium. Approved January 2023.

97 Langton Way (Application 22/3758/HD) Construction of a single storey office outbuilding in rear garden. Approved January 2023.

97 Langton Way (Application 22/3328/TC). Removal of holly tree and replacement with a number of species. Approved November 2022.

95 Langton Way (Application 22/2887/TC ) Lime tree in rear garden – crown reduce by up to 3m. (Approved Sept 2022)

96 Langton Way (Application 22/2627/TC) Purple Maple – Front boundary: To reduce crown back to previous reduction points (approx 2m). Approved August 2022

10 Belvedere Mews (Application 22/2508/HD) Demolition of the existing conservatory and construction of a new single-storey rear extension. Approved Sept 2022.

13 Shooters Hill Road (Application 22/2067/F & 22/2068/L) Installation of a new kitchen within the rear reception room with a provision of a new cooker hood extract 100x100mm to exit through the rear wall and a new 40mm waste pipe within the floor following the floor joists from the new island unit. No listed features to be impacted. Approved August 2022.

55 Langton Way (Application 22/1956/TC) Honey Locust Tree in front garden: reduce height by 2 m. Approved June 2022

4A Langton Way (Application 22/1529/TC) Remove one stem of Strawberry tree leaning/growing into wall at the front of the property. Approved May 2022

11 Stratheden Road (Application 22/0404/HD) Alterations to the rear and front garden, including introduction of new landscaping, water features, planter beds, permeable paving, floating stone steps, and associated changes. Erection of a new timber outbuilding in the front garden to be used as a bike store. Changes to the rear extension including new cladding, glazing, addition of a green roof, and associated alterations – Approved April 2022

64 Langton Way ((Application 22/1401/TC) Fell to ground level a dying pear and a dead cypress in the rear garden. Approved May 2022

1-8 Angerstein Lane (Application 22/0757/TC) Reduce crowns of 8 lime trees along Angerstein Lane by 20% back to last reduction points – Approved March 2022

27 Shooters Hill Road (Applications 22/0301/HD and 22/0302/L) Proposed demolition of existing metal garden terrace and construction of lower ground floor/basement rear extension, including new patio area and steps to garden level, internal alterations to the ground and lower ground floor, and alterations to existing window and door openings to the side and rear elevations. Approved June 2022.

63 Langton Way (Application 21/4488/HD) Proposed demolition of existing garage, conservatory, and shed to facilitate the construction of a single-storey rear and side extension. Approved March 2022.

128 Langton Way (Application 22/0041/TC) Reduce crown of a silver birch in rear garden. Approved January 2022.

95 Langton Way (Application 21/4487/TC) Removal of cherry tree in rear garden and replacement with another flowering tree. Approved January 2022.


109 Langton Way (Application 21/4276/TC) Reduce crown of an oak and a hawthorn in rear garden. Approved December 2021.

1A Vanburgh Terrace (Application 21/4074/TC) Beech Tree – lateral reduction over Langton Way and reduce crown of lime. Approved Dec 2021.

16 Langton Way (Application 21/3986/TC) Removal of a magnolia tree and pruning of two pear trees and an olive tree in rear garden. Pruning of two crab apple trees on Angerstein Lane. Approved January 2022.

98 Langton Way (Application 21/3633/HD) Construction of zinc clad dormer extension to rear; installation of new raised slate roof; installation of 2 rooflights at front; other associated external alterations. Permission refused on the grounds that the proposed rear dormer extension and rooflights would have a significant detrimental impact on both the character and appearance of the host dwelling and the Blackheath Conservation Area and the residential amenity of a neighbouring property. Appeal lodged (APP/E5330/D/22/3292194 – alternative ref PP-10289594) February 2022. Appeal allowed April 2022

Land to the rear of Blackheath Service Station, 37 Shooters Hill Road (Application No. 21/3220/F) A proposed 4 bedroom 2-storey House on the plot on Langton Way behind the Esso petrol station. This replaces the withdrawn application made earlier in 2021 (see below). Application out of time, so finally disposed of, November 2023.

139 Langton Way Fell purple leafed plum in rear garden due to major dieback. Approved Nov 2021. Replacement tree to be planted.

6 Langton Way Remedial works to purple leafed plum in rear garden due to major dieback. Approved Oct 2021.

130 Langton Way Fell a failing prunus tree and reduce a row of Leylandii in rear garden. Approved Oct 2021.

47 Langton Way Fell a dead pear tree and maintenance to a magnolia tree, two holly trees and a neighbour’s oak. Reduce spread to two lime trees at front of property. Approved Oct 2021.

66 Langton Way Works to be carried out to front of property: Norway maple – fell as tree too close to property and retaining wall. Approved October 2021. Replacement tree to be planted.

111 Langton Way Works to be carried out to rear garden: Yew – reduce in height and radial spread. Acer palmatum – thin crown gently. Himalayan birch – reduce in height and radial spread. Approved Sept 2021.

94 Langton Way (Application ref /21/2822/TC) Reduce plum tree in front garden garden approx 0.5M below telephone wires. Approved Sept 2021

1 Gregor Mews (Application ref 21/2067/TC) Fell Goat willow in front garden and replace with Malus Rudolph. Approved July 2021

Land rear of 37A Shooters Hill Rd (Application ref 21/0172/F) a proposed 4 bedroom 2-storey House on the plot on Langton Way behind the Esso petrol station. Application withdrawn.

174-178 Langton Way a high-level front boundary fence; refused Feb 2021

Basements policy

Royal Greenwich have now adopted their ‘Supplementary Planning Document’ policy on ‘Residential Extensions, Conversions and Basements’ which we commented on early in 2016. Click here to download a copy.